Our Import and Export departments are operated with experts in both international air and ocean logistics, and combine speed and reliability while providing valued Air and Sea Freight options to our customers. Honoring the time of your international trade and business associates is the best way to establish integrity overseas; and doing so efficiently and consistently is the best way to forge lasting international business relationships. Trust CCL for all of your global shipping needs.

CCL has designed for scalability, adaptability and flexibility in our operations, capacity, processes and manpower that are specific to your project requirements. Representatives are trained, seasoned and proven performers dedicated to knowing your product or service and understanding consumer behavior. Our customs clearance experts understand both the local rules and regulations, and the challenges of global business. We use this knowledge to tailor individual solutions that can help you make well-informed decisions, reduce lead time, optimize cash flow and keep taxes to a minimum. In short, save costs.

Our Import and Export departments are operated with experts in both international air and ocean logistics, and combine speed and reliability while providing valued Air and Sea Freight options to our customers. Honoring the time of your international trade and business associates is the best way to establish integrity overseas; and doing so efficiently and consistently is the best way to forge lasting international business relationships. Trust CCL for all of your global shipping needs.